A: This time, Sir, I have a legitimate excuse for being late, I was ill.
B: Do you have a doctor’s note to prove it?
legitimate a. 1. 合情合理的;2. 合法的,法律认可的
vt. 使合法
A: Would you like a glass of lemonade ?
B: Oh, yes please, that sounds very refreshing.
lemonade n. 1. 柠檬水;2. 汽水
A: Even though you have been naughty, I will be lenient just this one time.
B: Thanks, Mum, and I promise not to do it again.
lenient a. 宽大的,仁慈的
A: Do you need anything from the shops?
B: Yes, I’d need to make a salad. Could you buy some lettuce please?
lettuce n. 莴苣,生菜
A: I can’t open the window.
B: Here is a stick, use it as a lever to force it open.
lever n. 1. 杠,杠杆;2. 途径,工具,手段
vt. (用杠杆)撬动,撬起
A: My boss never gives much leverage , I don’t think I’ll be able to get the day off work.
B: Oh, at least try one last time.
leverage n. 1. 力量,影响,手段,优势;2. 杠杆作用,杠杆的力量
A: The government has increased the levy on imports.
B: By what percentage?
levy vt. 征收(税等)
n. 征税,税款
A: You are a liability around the house.
B: I’m not dangerous. I’m just energetic.
liability n. 1. 责任;2. [pl.]负债,债务;3. 不利条件,起妨碍作用的人(或物)
A: Lilies are my favourite kind of flower.
B: Oh, mine too!
lily n. 百合,百合花
A: I arrive to the ball by limousine .
B: Oh, I could not afford one, so I came by bus!
limousine n. 轿车
A: Sarah has a very limp handshake.
B: Yes, I don’t think that she is confident in herself.
limp a. 1. 软弱的,无生气的,无精神的;2. 软的,松沓的
vi. 一瘸一拐地走,蹒跚
n. 跛行
A: Have you done linear equations in math class yet?
B: No, I think we cover them next year.
linear a. 1. 线的,直线的,线状的;2. 长度的;3. 线性的
A: Is your shirt made from cotton or linen ?
B: I am not sure what kind of fabric it is.
linen n. 1. 日用织品,亚麻织品;2. 亚麻布
A: I worked on a cruise liner for three months.
B: Sounds exotic, but I’m sure that it was hard work!
liner n. 1. 大客轮;2. (化妆用)眼线膏,眼线笔,描唇笔;3. 衬里
A: What would you like to do this morning?
B: Just linger in bed a while longer.
linger vi. 1. (因不愿意离开而)继续逗留,留恋徘徊;2. (on)继续存留,缓慢消失
A: I had a problem learning how to speak correctly when I was a child.
B: Oh, I also had some linguistic problems.
linguistic a. 语言的,语言学的