我没那么孱弱,可以自己来。 I'm strong enough to wheel myself. 世事无常,我们要随遇而安 It just happens and we should live with it. 没谁比你更有资格咒骂了。 If anyone has a right to swear, it's you. 放弃你的整个世界,这不是小事 It's a big thing to give up your whole world. 我们都有伤疤 贝茨先生 无论外伤还是内伤 We all carry scars, Mr Bates, inside or out. 你和别人没有不同 记住这点 You're no different to the rest of us, remember that. -告诉你 你不说我就不走 Just so long as you know, I'm not leaving until you tell me. -但愿你看了不会恶心 I hope you have a strong stomach. 别轻言放弃 Don't raise the white flag quite yet. 你有没有感觉生命不知不觉地逝去 Have you ever felt your life was somehow slipping away -一切本是那么美好 突然间就灰飞烟灭 Everything seems so golden one minute, then turns to ashes the next. 伯爵夫人 我有自知之明 The truth is, Lady Grantham, I am not a vain man. 我知道自己不是个有趣的人 I do not consider myself a very interesting person. 但我未来的妻子认为我有趣很重要 But I feel it's important that my future wife should think me so. 认为我无趣的女人永远不会爱上我 A woman who finds me boring could never love me,